Customer Media Council

Het doel van de Customer Media Council is om kennis te verzamelen en te ontsluiten over customer media, in print en digitaal. En deze kennis te delen met alle partijen die daarin beroepsmatig geïnteresseerd zijn: producenten, uitgevers, wetenschap en studenten. De Customer Media Council wil de customer media en de sector die deze inzetten en produceren ondersteunen. Onafhankelijk, kwaliteit en toegankelijkheid zijn de kernwoorden.

About the Customer Media Council
The Customer Media Council knows the industry and trends. The Customer Media Council has more than 50 combined years of customer media experiences. It is the best digital place for organisations to learn more about customer media, whether they are looking for trends, best practices, education possibilities, or parties that can help to realise the best content strategy, media planning and the most effective products: integrated cross media product like blogs, newsletters, digital and printed magazines for internal and external target groups.

Activities and services
The Customer Media Council was founded in 2008 by Herbert Haaij and Sak van den Boom, based on the experience that there is a lack of information and education around customer media. Since december 2011 The Customer Media Council is part of BBP Media.

  • Daily refreshed website about customer media:
  • Weekly newsletter about customer media
  • Annual conference about customer media:
  • Workshops about customer media on monthly base
  • Attendance as speaker on international conferences
  • Assistance at universities where customer media is teached
  • Education programs on post bachelor level about Customer Media
  • Database with casestudies


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  • MarketingTribune: meer over marketing en merken